The City of Santa Monica, SMC Bike Club and Sustainable Works are proud to present: The Street Project Film Screening & Panel Discussion
The Film
In 2010, the small community of specialists who pay attention to US road safety statistics picked up on a troubling trend: more and more pedestrians and cyclists were being killed on American roads. In fact, pedestrian deaths have increased 51% since reaching their low point in 2009. In addition to the loss of human life, it is estimated that road injuries will cost the world economy $1.8 trillion from 2015–2030.
THE STREET PROJECT is the story about humanity’s relationship to the streets and the global citizen-led fight to make communities safer.
The film has Spanish subtitles
When: Wednesday, October 23rd - 7:00 pm
Where: Santa Monica College Orientation Hall in the Student Services Center (SSC)
1900 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90405 Map
The Panel
A panel discussion with Colleen Stoll, Transportation Demand Program Manager at City of Santa Monica, Jeff Snyder, Advocate for safe and cheap muti-modal commuting and Dylan Neumeyer, SMC Bike Club President will follow the film.
The panel will be moderated by Cynthia Rose, Director Santa Monica Spoke, Co-founder of the Santa Monica Safe Streets Alliance and Board Chair, California Bicycle Coalition & Bike LA.
Light refreshments will be provided and we will have a prize drawing for great biking accessories.
The event is FREE to ALL but you must register
Organizational Info
Organization or Entity Hosting the Event: Sustainable Works
Is this event:: Live/In-Person
Admission: Free
Contact Name + Title: Gina Garcia, Co-Executive Director
Contact's Email:
Contact's Phone: (310) 458-8716