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Event Calendar

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Arte Chicano Hecho En Los Angeles - 1970 to the present

The exhibition will be "Guest Curated" by Pablo De La Rosa, a historian and avid collector of Chicano Art.

With the establishment of the first Chicano art gallery (Mechicano Art Center) in 1969 in East Los Angeles, Chicano artists initiated a collective reimagining of the urban landscape through such media as photography, graphic arts, murals, painting, and sculpture. These artists harnessed their work as part of a social protest and community empowerment movement.

Organizational Info:

Organization or Entity Hosting the Event: California Heritage Museum

Is this event: Live/In-Person

Admission: Free

Social Media Handles:

  • Facebook: Ca Heritage

  • IG: calheritagemuseum

Contact Name + Title: Tobi Smith & Stephanie Tuttle

Contact's Email: mail@californiaheritagemuseum.org

Contact's Phone: (310) 392-8537

Earlier Event: February 19
Presidents' Day