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Event Calendar

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Common Ground Film Screening and Panel Discussion

The City of Santa Monica, LA Food Policy Council and Sustainable Works are proud to present: Common Ground Film Screening & Panel Discussion

The Film
Common Ground is the highly anticipated sequel to the juggernaut success documentary, Kiss the Ground. By fusing journalistic expose’ with deeply personal stories from those on the front lines of the food movement, Common Ground unveils a dark web of money, power, and politics behind our broken food system. The film reveals how unjust practices forged our current farm system in which farmers of all colors are literally dying to feed us. The film profiles a hopeful and uplifting movement of white, black, and indigenous farmers who are using alternative “regenerative” models of agriculture that could balance the climate, save our health, and stabilize America’s economy – before it’s too late.

When: Tuesday, March 12th - 7:00 pm
Where: Aero Theater, 1328 Montana Ave. Santa Monica, CA 90403

A panel discussion with John Roulac, Co-Producer Common Ground Film
Ana-Alicia Carr, Director of Policy & Coalitions LA Food Policy Council will follow the film.

The panel will be moderated by Sarah Spitz, UC Master Gardener, Los Angeles County

The event is FREE to ALL but you must register at https://www.sustainableworks.org/commonground/

Ride, don't drive, if you can!
Bring your reusable water bottle!
Water is provided by the City of Santa Monica's Office of Sustainability and the Environment
This is a zero waste event
Enjoy the concessions, but when finished, please discard sustainably at the Zero Waste stations

Organizational Info:

Organization or Entity Hosting the Event: Sustainable Works

Is this event: Live/In-Person

Admission: Free

Contact Name + Title: Gina Garcia, Co-Executive Director

Contact's Email: gina.garcia@sustainableworks.org

Contact's Phone: (310) 721-9852

Later Event: March 17
St. Patrick's Day